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The Vultus Analysis Platform has three types of processing activities.

  1. Polygon,
  2. Analysis, and
  3. Status


Polygon processing allows the user to create new polygons, activate, deactivate, delete, and report on polygons. There is more information about polygon processing here.


Analysis processing allows the user to request and retrieve new analyses. Each Vultus service has a separate GraphQL mutation and query. The current services are:

Vegetation Index Services

Vultus Services

Satellite Data

The raw satellite data for vegetation index, crude protein, and dry matter services can be downloaded before requesting these analyses. Downloading this data in advance of the analysis requests can speed up the processing of analysis requests. The processSatelliteDownload() mutation is used for this purpose.


There are four queries available for checking the status of requests:

  • retrieveRequestDetails() - provides the details of a single request,
  • retrieveRequestsHistory() - provides the details of requests within a date range for a single polygon,
  • retrieveRequestsInProgress() - provides the details of in progress requests for a single polygon, and
  • retrieveSatelliteDownload() - provides information about the cloudy days, available days, and unavailable days for a single polygon.

Please refer to the tutorial "Monitor a Request" for information on using the queries to check the status of a request and the availability of raw satellite data.